superbowl snacks

Tonight was the Super Bowl. This year it happened to fall on quite the occasion for my family — my sister’s birthday! We prepared to celebrate with lots of snacks. Apple chips fresh out of the oven and dips on dips on dips. Homemade onion dip, guacamole, and this cucumber-feta dip. We ordered our favorite pizza in the entire universe for dinner. We stuffed ourselves so much that when it was time for the game (and, of course, the snacks), we barely put a dent in anything we’d made. I guess we were a tad over-prepared for our little party of five.

Regardless, it was a great time — and supposedly our team even won! “Our team” must mean the Giants, as we are, in fact, from New York. But who’s counting. I love my little sister more than anything else in this world and I hope she thought her birthday was just as lovely as I did. GO AMERICA!

sunday brunchday

Yesterday I had a lovely brunch with three of my best friends from college — whom I literally had not seen in MONTHS. It’s freaking ridiculous how it’s possible to go so long without seeing some of your closest friends, even when you live in the SAME CITY. It was so good to hang out and laugh just like the g00d 0Ld Dayz. I think we even lingered for over an hour after we were completely finished eating. We decided to make Sunday brunch a monthly thing, so we’ll have no choice but to stay in each other’s lives. I love my friends.